Program | Indications | Contraindications | The program includes |
5-days | -mental fatigue, overexertion | -malignant diseases -mental illness and epilepsy -diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation -acute inflammatory and infectious diseases | 5 treatment days/ max. number of procedures for the period: -reflexology - up to 5 -baths with medicinal herbs - up to 5 -anti-stress massage (partial) - up to 3 -psycho-regulatory therapeutic gymnastics - up to 2 |
10-days | -mental fatigue, overexertion | -malignant diseases -mental illness and epilepsy -diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation -acute inflammatory and infectious diseases | 10 treatment days/ max. number of procedures for the period: -reflexology - up to10 -baths with medicinal herbs - up to 10 -anti-stress massage (partial) - up to 6 -psycho-regulatory therapeutic gymnastics - up to 4 |